Extended Play Two

Frank Zappa put it best when he said "Modern music is people who can't think signing artists who can't write songs to make records for people who can't hear".
But what happens when you cut out the "people who can't think"? The artist would become in direct contact with the individual, the record companies have to strictly enforce copyright to not lose their grasp, and new artists become a dime a dozen. Welcome to the future of music in 2008.
By now your 160gb mp3 player is probably starving for new music and with 2008 just starting you want to know who to watch and where to look. The truth is, no one can tell you who to watch and no one should, but we're going to show you where to look to find music you'll like instead of wasting your times with ones you won't.
Pandora - Dubbed the music genome project, Pandora allows you to type in an artist you like and then leads you to similar artists. This free streaming service will lead you from artist to artist as you let it know if it's going in the right direction or not.
Last.fm - If video killed the radio star, the internet brought it back. Last.fm allows anyone to create their own station and you have the opportunity to listen. Their search function allows you to find the artist or genre you're looking for and the similar tastes those people have.
We7 + Spiral Frog - Forget paying to download music, these services are funded by advertisements to give you the music for free. Keep your membership active and follow their guidelines any you'll be able to download this music to both your computer and mp3 player.
Last year, Radiohead released their CD "In Rainbows" through digital distribution on their website. The cost was completely to you under their "pay what you want" system that ran between October and December last year, because like the Eagles and Prince, Radiohead is without a contract and decided that they don't need one. Because of actions like this, expect album prices to go down, digital music sales to continue rising, and bands to compete for your attention at your price point in the upcoming year. When you can stream or download any song you want when you want onto your computer, mp3 player, or mobile device, purchasing a physical or digital album is voting with your money. Make that's one of the two votes you cast in 2008.
Here is nice website where you can find the latest music releases and the most popular music hits of all time, music videos, lyrics, single and album reviews.
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